Let Me Not Criticize A Man Until I've Walked .38 Miles In His Moccasins
I got on my TreadClimber tonight for the first time since I broke my ankle and walked for thirty minutes. I was afraid and new-fawn wobbly and I was slooow. I was traveling a hardy .7 mph. Seven-tenths of a mile per hour is relatively the same speed at which grass grows, half the speed of a leisurely stroll, or just a hair faster that all-out dawdling. But I felt like I was sprinting across a meadow, uphill, both ways. Damn, I love that machine. I’d call my TreadClimber a “treadmill“, but that would be like calling a pair of Reef Slaps “just another pair of flip-flops” or Starbuck’s Seven-Layer Bar, “a nice snack”. Each of these things are an experience unto themselves. They are a veritable cornucopia of the richness of a well-lived, purposeful life.
Yes, there are others, but these are my top three. Number four would be my softball bat. After that, it’s all just will-nilly conjecture on my part according to inappropriate mood swings and blood sugar levels. I also liked my grabber, but dammit, I can reach everything I need. Now I just use it to get the remote off the ottoman or turn off light switches. See, now I’ve just started shotgunning ideas. And on a reasonable day, that product would be somewhere in the low 100’s. I’m outta here...

Yes, there are others, but these are my top three. Number four would be my softball bat. After that, it’s all just will-nilly conjecture on my part according to inappropriate mood swings and blood sugar levels. I also liked my grabber, but dammit, I can reach everything I need. Now I just use it to get the remote off the ottoman or turn off light switches. See, now I’ve just started shotgunning ideas. And on a reasonable day, that product would be somewhere in the low 100’s. I’m outta here...
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