The Mystery of Ar-Or

Alien technology?
A remnant of an ancient civilization?
An early masonic temple?
This is the second one I've seen in West Tennessee and they're incredibly intimidating when you drive around a bend in the road and come up on this 40-foot monstrosity.
This one happened to be near a client's home, so when I arrived, I asked him if he knew of it's origins.
"Oh suuuure. They wur used fur arr-or."
"Yah, arr-or."
Arrrrr-Orrrr?!? [whispering to self] arrrr-or, arrr-or....IRON ORE?!?
"Yeah! They'd get a messa' arr-or and throw wood in there and smelt it."
Ohhhhh...smelting iron ore.
"Yep, arrr-or."

Alien technology?
A remnant of an ancient civilization?
An early masonic temple?
This is the second one I've seen in West Tennessee and they're incredibly intimidating when you drive around a bend in the road and come up on this 40-foot monstrosity.
This one happened to be near a client's home, so when I arrived, I asked him if he knew of it's origins.
"Oh suuuure. They wur used fur arr-or."
"Yah, arr-or."
Arrrrr-Orrrr?!? [whispering to self] arrrr-or, arrr-or....IRON ORE?!?
"Yeah! They'd get a messa' arr-or and throw wood in there and smelt it."
Ohhhhh...smelting iron ore.
"Yep, arrr-or."
Wow. Tennessee is full of amazing history.
I wonder what iron ore smelt like? Was it a fragrant smell that permeated the Tennessee air?
I believe that there was probably a pretty formidible aroma that permeated the air, but I don't think it was considered fragrant.
I'm pretty sure the government now monitors the steel industry to keep them from doing what these original Smelterers were doing back in the day: killing the general populace and destroying the local wildlife with poisonous gases.
But I'm probably being nit-picky. I am fussy that way. :D
But I do like Tennessee and it's colorful history. It's probably got more history per square foot than any three states combined. And I love exploring it every day while I'm out driving around "working."
wow, i totally didn't spell-check that before i posted it. :D
haha. funny. You find interesting things such as this all the time, I bet, with this new job of yours. (eh, not so new anymore, I guess) Well, keep taking pictures, I assume they'll get funnier.
By the way, I'll be anxiously awaiting the product of your photography quest of church signs with their sayings and such.
If your dreams become reality yet...
Let me know.
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