Friday, December 26, 2008

My Ten Favorite Movies of 2008
1. Iron Man- Robert Downey Jr., best role of his life (screw Chaplin), best superhero movie ever, hands-down.
2. Cloverfield- disembodied head of the Statue of Liberty, flea monsters, indestructible space monster. Everything I've ever wanted in a movie. I yearn for Cloverfield II and it will never happen and that makes this movie even more perfect.
3. Kung Fu Panda- I love cartoons, kung fu, and sometimes, Jack Black. This is one of those times.
4. The Dark Knight- you don't get the number one spot on my list just because you die. Sorry Heath. But I loooved the Disappearing Pencil Trick.
5. Wall-E- how can you love a movie about robots, yet I did. And boneless fat people? Aren't we already there?
6. Quantum of Solace- still my favorite interpretation of Bond. Daniel Craig as Bond couldn't write on a Post-It note without getting a black eye. Love him.
7. Leatherheads- I love George and that 30s witty banter and slapstick comedy. Zellweger still looks like a foot, but she's got moxie.
8. Rambo- people hated this movie. I loved it. It was my favorite horror movie of the year. What? It wasn't a horror movie? Really?
9. The Fall- I've seen it, read the IMDB description, and I still get lost in the beauty of this movie. It's as simple as a guy telling a little girl a story, but it becomes so much more so quickly. And it has that guy from Pushing Daisies. I like him. If you haven't seen this movie, run out and rent it. This is the only movie on the list that I would recommend to everyone.
10. Redbelt- one of my favorite unknown actors, jujitsu, and idealistic integrity. It made my heart swell. This movie surprised me as much as 2002's Equilibrium, with Christian Bale.

Honorable Mentions
Forgetting Sarah Marshall- best quote from a movie in 2009: "Let me just say that if God was a city planner He would not put a playground next to a sewage system!."
Pineapple Express- Best stoner movie in quite. a. while. And about half-way through, it turns into an action flick with Seth Rogan performing a Superfly Splash, made famous by Jimmy Snuka.
Bolt- saw it on a whim, didn't expect too much and LOVED it. Odd to hear myself say it, but I especially loved how it was directed.

Some Of The Others That I Still Want To See
The Wrestler
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
The Spirit
There Will Be Blood
Slumdog Millionaire


Blogger fumanchu said...

Great call on _The Fall_. Loved it. I may never smile again.

Mon Jan 05, 01:22:00 AM CST  

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