Irony Served Rich & Delicious.
"If Sarah Palin isn't enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention. Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through." -Rep. Alcee L Hastings, D-Fla., September 24, 2008, ABC News interview
So what has Alcee been up to since making that quirky little statement? Well recently, he introduced a new bill, H.R 645 calling for the secretary of homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations. The bill also appears to expand the president's emergency power, much as the executive order signed by President Bush on May 9, 2007. That bill gave the president the authority to declare an emergency and take over the direction of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments without even consulting Congress.
Did you catch that last part? He won't have to consult Congress. The broad specifications of the bill's language, however, contribute to concern that the "national emergency" purpose could be utilized by the secretary of homeland security to include any kind of situation the government wants to contain or otherwise control.
In summation: kinda crazy black guy makes racially/culturally charged statement against a white chick saying her type of people won't care what they'd do to Jews and blacks. Then, introduces a bill, which calls for the creation of no less than six "national emergency centers" on military installations. Could these centers also be used as detention camp? If we're all about closing Gitmo, why would we need temporary detention centers? Who are we filling these things with and why would you need them on military bases? Did you see this on the news? Of course you didn't because they're all about bringing people together...and then throwing them in internment camps. It's coming kids. I really hope you like Orwell.

So what has Alcee been up to since making that quirky little statement? Well recently, he introduced a new bill, H.R 645 calling for the secretary of homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations. The bill also appears to expand the president's emergency power, much as the executive order signed by President Bush on May 9, 2007. That bill gave the president the authority to declare an emergency and take over the direction of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments without even consulting Congress.
Did you catch that last part? He won't have to consult Congress. The broad specifications of the bill's language, however, contribute to concern that the "national emergency" purpose could be utilized by the secretary of homeland security to include any kind of situation the government wants to contain or otherwise control.
In summation: kinda crazy black guy makes racially/culturally charged statement against a white chick saying her type of people won't care what they'd do to Jews and blacks. Then, introduces a bill, which calls for the creation of no less than six "national emergency centers" on military installations. Could these centers also be used as detention camp? If we're all about closing Gitmo, why would we need temporary detention centers? Who are we filling these things with and why would you need them on military bases? Did you see this on the news? Of course you didn't because they're all about bringing people together...and then throwing them in internment camps. It's coming kids. I really hope you like Orwell.
WTF, when did you start posting so much! I have so much reading to do!
life comes at you fast. at least that's what i've heard that man on TV say a lot. seems it is true. i'm gonna slow the short bus down this one time, but you're gonna have to be at the bus stop on time from now on.
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