New Independence Day
Here's my speech for the Nashville Tea Party on April 15, 2009. No, I'm not speaking, but if I were...
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." I say to you, Mr. Obama, the sleeping giant has awoken again and he is filled with a terrible resolve. Blindsided by the threat of Socialism, disguising taxation without representation as stimulus, and betrayed by our legislative branch, yes, he is awake. You have our attention Mr. Obama and our resolve to cast you from your spurious throne of Socialism in the name of a new world order. If you would like to do the honorable thing and tender your resignation for your reprehensible assault upon our Constitution and the sovereignty of this nation, the American economy, and your treasonous behavior with our enemies in a time of war, please come to Nashville, Tennessee today, April 15, 2009 and witness America's New Independence Day. We're having a little Tea Party in your honor.
And to Mr. and Mrs. Congress, it might do you well to remember whom you serve and to whom you must ultimately answer. I'd begin updating your resumes, because come November 2, 2010, all of you are going to feel this recession first-hand, the same as we do, here on "Main Street".
I would, in conclusion, ask that you look around you right now at the faces of these patriots, these statesmen, and, dare I say it: your brothers and sisters in Christ, and encourage you with great forcefulness, as Peter admonished the Thessalonians, to "Pray wihout ceasing". This will only get worse before it gets better, but through our faith in both God and this Republic, we will become a stronger, wiser nation. Thank you and may God bless you.

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." I say to you, Mr. Obama, the sleeping giant has awoken again and he is filled with a terrible resolve. Blindsided by the threat of Socialism, disguising taxation without representation as stimulus, and betrayed by our legislative branch, yes, he is awake. You have our attention Mr. Obama and our resolve to cast you from your spurious throne of Socialism in the name of a new world order. If you would like to do the honorable thing and tender your resignation for your reprehensible assault upon our Constitution and the sovereignty of this nation, the American economy, and your treasonous behavior with our enemies in a time of war, please come to Nashville, Tennessee today, April 15, 2009 and witness America's New Independence Day. We're having a little Tea Party in your honor.
And to Mr. and Mrs. Congress, it might do you well to remember whom you serve and to whom you must ultimately answer. I'd begin updating your resumes, because come November 2, 2010, all of you are going to feel this recession first-hand, the same as we do, here on "Main Street".
I would, in conclusion, ask that you look around you right now at the faces of these patriots, these statesmen, and, dare I say it: your brothers and sisters in Christ, and encourage you with great forcefulness, as Peter admonished the Thessalonians, to "Pray wihout ceasing". This will only get worse before it gets better, but through our faith in both God and this Republic, we will become a stronger, wiser nation. Thank you and may God bless you.
The "quotation" you attribute to Admiral Yamamota first appeared in the movie "Tora!Tora!Tora!" and was repeated in the movie "Midway." Yamamoto never said it. So you criticism of the President is as bogus as your attribution of a quotation to a man who never said it.
You believe your words to have merit, but your choice to remain anonymous discredits you. You are a sheep. Run away, scurry home little sheep. You are too weak to stand with men and make statements you only believe men would say. Return only when you can stand by your words, or keep your opinions for your book of the week club with the girls.
Regardless of whether the Yamamoto quote was authentic or not, it absolutely encapsulated the sentiment of the time as evidenced by the men, or rather boys, running to enlist! It would behoove our generation and our newly-coronated leader to re-visit a time when an attack on US lives, US territory, US ideals and the US capacity for progress incited a passion to defend ideals as well as individuals who could not defend themselves. Think the US guide for torture was bad? Let's look at the Japanese or the Germans! Well articulated Shawn - you are not alone in your disgust for those who claim to represent "Main Street."
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